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Title I

Title I is a federal support program for schools that meet several criteria.  As a Title I school, Barksdale agrees to meet several standards in order to receive additional funding that go to support our instructional program.


Georgia Milestone Parent Resources

We value your input at BES. Please help us with our annual updates by completing the survey links below. 

District Policy Survey
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Survey 
School Plan Survey
School Parent-Compact Survey
1% Funds Survey



 Calming Techniques

 Stand Up to Bullying

Parenting Tips Video

Important Documents 

SY 24-25 Parent's Right to Know 
SY 24-25 School Parent Compact
SY 24-25 School Parent & Family Engagement Plan
SY 24-25 District Parent & Family Engagement Policy

Title I Parent Involvement Set Aside Funds


Rockdale County Public Schools is required to set aside at least 1% of the District Title IA allocation and distribute not less than 90% of those funds to Title IA schools for parent and family engagement activities. This money is used for parent and family involvement activities and to actively engage parents in the academic achievement of their children. If you have any suggestions on ways we can improve the achievement of our students, please contact Bridgett Head, our Parent Liaison at [email protected] or by phone: 770-483-9514 Ext.13167

Barksdale's Parent Resource Center
This service is located in our media center and is available for parents during school hours:   7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.   The Resource Center is also available during afterschool events.

Click here to access the monthly newsletters.
Scroll down to see the Parent Institute and Daily Planner newsletters in English and Spanish. 

Contact Information
Please contact Bridgett Head, Barksdale Title I Coordinator for any additional information.  She can be contacted at [email protected].